Kernideen Spiraldynamik
5 Deep Schichten
- Handlungen und Verhalten
- Systeme und Strukturen
- Weltsichten. Gedanken (Mind) der Menschen und Art und Weise des Denkens
- Genetische- und Memetische Codes
- Umweltbedingungen (Intern/Extern)
Alle Quadranten, alle Ebenen, alle Linien (4Q/8E)
Die 4 Quadranten
- Oben Links (Ich, Psychologie, Subjektiv, Einzahl)
- Unten Links (Wir, Kultur, Subjektiv, Mehrzahl)
- Oben Rechts (Es, Neurologie, Objektiv, Einzahl)
- Unten Rechts (Sie, Soziologie, Objektiv, Mehrzahl)
Ebenen, Linien, Zustand, Ströme, Wellen und Types.
Sechs Dimensionen von Wertesystemen
- Genes. Biologische Codes, Muster, und Prädispositionen im Organismus.
- wMeme. Kernintelligenz Core human intelligences that shape psychological systems.
- Worldviews. Repertoire of all awakened, accessible vMemes.
- Mindsets. Online, active, vMeme(s) dominate in a given situation or context.
- Themes. Themen, Gründe, Ismen und Ereignisse, welche ein wMeme Energiefeld formen.
- Semes. Worte, Symbole, Icons, und Objekte welche wMemen Anhaften oder von denen getrennt sind
Werte Komponenten
- vMeme Kontext. Umweltbedingungen. WARUM?
- vMeme Code. Wertesysteme. Schema. WIE?
- vMeme Ausdruck. Oberflächen Manifestationen. Thema. WAS?
The Prime Directive
Evolutionary Tension
Sechs Voraussetzungen für wMem Wandel
- Dissonanz und Unsicherheit über die Angemessenheit des aktuellen Denkens
Fünf Schritte des wMem Wandels
- Alpha
- Beta
- Gamma
- Delta
- New Alpha
Acht Variationen des Wandels
- CV1
- CV2
- CV3
- CV4
- CV5
- CV6
- CV7
- CV8
Fünf Aspekte der Umweltbedingungen
- Zeit (historisch)
- Ort
- Probleme
- Umstände
- Kapazität
Four waves of evolution
- Fatalistic Determinism
- Progressive Darwinism
- Anti Evolutionary Egalitarianism
- Chaos Driven Non-linear Complexity
Mean Green Meme (MGM)
Blooms Pentad
- Conformity enforcers
- Diversity Generators
- Inner Judges
- Resource Shifters
- Intergroup Tournaments
Humpy Dumpy Effect
Coalescing Power, Authority and Influence (CAPI). Based on Mutual Trust and Respect
- Power. Capability to grant or withdraw expected contribution. Raw Power within the organisation.
- Authority. Legal Right to say Yes and No.
- Influence. Special Knowledge and contexts. Political connections. Intelligence.
Integral Change/Design Equation
How should who lead/manage/teach… whom to do what?
Change from What to What?
How should who lead whom to do what with which people living where? (4Q/8L)
Design and Alignment- Meme Stacks- PeopleSCAN
- Values Test
- Form A
- BrainSCAN
- Change State Indicator
- LeaderSCAN 360
- SpiralSCAN
- CultureSCAN
- CountrySCAN
- WorldSCAN
Plumb Line Process (7 elements)
- Job Requirements
- People Profiles
- Recruitment and Selection
- Placement
- Training and Development
- Management
- Form
Spiral Alignment (Streams)
Ten Elements in the Streams Sequence
- Decide What business you are really in
- Chart Big Picture Patterns and Flows in the Milieu (Past Present Future)
- Take Inventory of Resources, Functional Capacities, and Life-Cycle Stages
- Develop and Propagate a Strategic Vision
- Establish Set-Points, Locate Flywheels, and Map the Organisation’s Psychological ‘DNA’.
- Connect everything to everything else
- Design an ideal Hypothetical Model Fitting Structures to Functions.
- Liberate, realign and Reshape Current Systems to Fit the New Model
- Place the right Person into the Right Job with the Right Tools and Support
- Build an Ongoing Realignment Process for Continuous Shifts and Changes
Spiral Integration (Templates)
X, Y and Z Templates
- X Template. The Most Natural Forms and Flows for the Critical Functions. Specifies the job to be done.
- Y Template. People Factors and Management Systems. The Support Systems for the people who do the job.
- Z Template. Command Intelligences. Brain Syndicate. The overarching executive intelligences necessary for the macro-management of everything and everybody while it is being done.
Five Processes for Applying Spiral Dynamics
- Read the vMemes
- Drop the Plumb Bob
- Apply the Design Formula
- Communicate with the vMemes
- Organise through the vMemes
- Manage to the vMemes
- Prepare for vMeme Change
The Spiral Tool Kit (8 essential tools)
- Deciphering Codes
- Constructing Maps
- Elaborating Quadrants
- Creating Monitors
- Applying Equations
- Reading Compasses
- Observing Cycles
- Building Scenarios
Five Bottom Lines
- Clear Principles
- Respect for Profit
- Wellbeing for People
- Authentic Purpose
- Ecology of the Planet
The Nine F’s used in designing Natural Systems
- Function
- Form
- Fit
- Flow
- Fulfilment
- Fun
- Foresight
- Focus
- Future
Universal POA to build positive Relationships
- The Politeness factor
- The Openness factor
- The Autocracy factor
Vital Signs Monitor (VSM) and Vital Signs Centre
Hermeneutical Verification
Validation and Triangulation
- Do value tests. Use People SCAN tools
- Workshops to define problems
- Ask: How do they express themselves?
The Twelve Postulates
An integral initiative based on an understanding of the complex dynamics that forge and transform human cultures, communities, and countries.
- Reframe globalisation issues around value system codes rather than behavioural stereotypes.
- Create Vital Signs Monitors to track deeper currents and critical indicators.
- Focus on the future as more significant than the past in shaping the present.
- Search for new intelligences that appear around chaos, and within crucibles.
- Identify the super ordinate goals that transcend other priorities and agendas.
- Facilitate and honour the inevitable steps, stages and waves in human emergence.
- Mobilise all available resources (quadrants/levels) and focus them like laser beams.
- Contain destructive conflicts while respecting the essential cycles of change.
- Promote Power differentiation through appropriate, stratified stages and layers.
- Resolve major paradoxes by implementing creative win:win:win solutions.
- Integrate the body, mind, soul and spirit in enriching the human experience.
- Nourish and replenish the natural habitat so that all life forms may flourish.
Adizes PAIE
- P. Performer. A doer, usually a short term thinker who executes what must be done.
- A. Administrator. A person who systemises the organisation to do the right things at the right times.
- E. Entrepreneur. A creator, the person who looks ahead, who projects what the future will be like and does something about it.
- I. Integrator. A person who can get everyone working together who can develop a culture of interdependency.
Adizes Lifecycle of Organisations
- Courtship (paEI)
- Infancy (Paei)
- Go-go (PaEI)
- Adolescence (pAEI)
- Prime (PAEI)
- Stable (Paei)
- Aristocracy (pAei)
- Early Bureaucracy (pAei)
- Bureaucracy (pAei)
- Recriminations (A)
- Death
- Umweltbedingungen = Life Conditions
- wMem (WerteMem) = vMeme (Value Meme)
MarcPilloud - 25 May 2004